A Non-surgical Approach 

Non-surgical body contouring effectively reshapes areas of the body, reducing circumferences, tightening lax skin and smoothing the appearance of cellulite. Procedures include radio frequency tightening and ultrasound non-invasive fat reduction.


A Non-surgical Approach
Non-surgical body contouring effectively reshapes areas of the body, reducing circumferences, tightening lax skin and smoothing the appearance of cellulite. Procedures include radio frequency tightening and ultrasound non-invasive fat reduction.

Skin Tightening
BeautiFill by LipoLife
Courtesy of: David Hartman MD FACS

Skin Tightening
BeautiFill by LipoLife
Courtesy of: Richard Elller MD

Skin Tightening
Dr Jeffrey Hsu

Skin Tightening
Alma’s unique radio frequency applicators, together with mechanical massagers, work effectively to induce deep dermal heating, contract existing collagen and elastin fibers, and stimulate the formation of new collagen for firmer, tighter-looking skin.